Career Information

Kids in career clothing

SchoolLinks logo

SchooLinks is our college and career readiness platform. All of the features are designed with students in mind to help them become college, career, and life ready. Guardians have the opportunity to join their student in their college and career exploration process and have conversations with them about their future.

Guardians will have access to SchooLinks through their own account. All students in grades 7-12 have a SchooLinks account and have completed at least one career assessment. Ask your student about their results!


SchooLinks allows parents/guardians to:

  • View the results of your student's career interest, strength, and mindset assessments to learn more about their interests and what careers might be right for them

  • See what colleges and careers your student has favorited and set as goals

  • Check your personalized dashboard for upcoming events as well as important reminders and to-dos for your student

  • Complete your own research on colleges, careers, and more to help you have informed conversations with your student

  • Compare college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out-of-pocket expenses

  • Complete required documents for your student if enrolled in the Internship program

In 7th and 8th grade, students first use SchooLinks as part of their exploratory Career & Technical Education class. SchooLinks is again used by freshmen in the Consumer & Career Development course which is required for graduation.

In this course, emphasis is placed on building positive and constructive attitudes that enable consumers to confidently approach the marketplace in their ability to make important decisions. This course teaches students to recognize their needs better, gather pertinent data, and make intelligent buying decisions. Additionally, students will be able to explore and develop college and career readiness with a focus on professional and employability skills. Some of the units to be covered are Personal Finance, Budgeting Basics, Saving Money, Credit and Debt, Consumer Awareness, Career Readiness, College Planning, Taxes, Real Estate, and Global Economics.


First Time Parent Login Instructions: At the SchooLinks site, click "forgot password" to access your account. Your email in Skyward is the email used for your SchooLinks account.


Student Login Instructions: Students will login through Clever and select "Student Email Log-in".

Career Exploration

Career One Stop logo

Get My Future is a one-stop resource to help anyone age 14 to 24 plan and achieve their career, education, and employment goals. This mobile-friendly website offers easy-to-use tools, information, videos, links to resources, and more to help young adults explore career options, learn about education and training opportunities, and find a job.

My Next Move O*Net logo

What do you want to do for a living? My Next Move lets you search careers with keywords, browse careers by industry, find careers with a bright outlook, and explore careers by cluster.

career clusters

Career Cluster Details

PaCE: Postsecondary and Career Expectations

College & Career Pathway Endorsements (CCPE)

​The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act includes a process for school districts to award College and Career Pathway Endorsements to high school graduates. To earn an endorsement on a high school diploma/transcript, a student must complete an individualized learning plan, engage in a career-focused instructional sequence (including early college credit), participate in work-based learning, and demonstrate readiness for college-level reading and math. Students earning the endorsement will develop technical and essential employability competencies, earn in-demand credentials, and be prepared to launch rewarding careers. ISBE: Pathway Endorsements provides additional information.

By January 2025, a school district that elects to implement CCPE must submit materials ISBE to award endorsements pursuant to the following schedule:

  • For the 2027 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least one endorsement area

  • For the 2029 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least 2 endorsement areas

  • For the 2031 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least 3 endorsement areas


*Indicates an endorsement that Charleston High School currently offers. We will be adding more pathways each year.

ISBE Career Guide

The Illinois State Board of Education has produced the ISBE Career Guide, meant to better educate students, parents, counselors and teachers on various career paths available to students right here in Illinois. 

ISBE Career Guide Cover