First Time Parent Login Instructions: At the SchooLinks site, click "forgot password" to access your account. Your email in Skyward is the email used for your SchooLinks account.
Student Login Instructions: Students will login through Clever and select "Student Email Log-in".
Career Exploration
Get My Future is a one-stop resource to help anyone age 14 to 24 plan and achieve their career, education, and employment goals. This mobile-friendly website offers easy-to-use tools, information, videos, links to resources, and more to help young adults explore career options, learn about education and training opportunities, and find a job.
Career Cluster Details
PaCE: Postsecondary and Career Expectations
College & Career Pathway Endorsements (CCPE)
The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act includes a process for school districts to award College and Career Pathway Endorsements to high school graduates. To earn an endorsement on a high school diploma/transcript, a student must complete an individualized learning plan, engage in a career-focused instructional sequence (including early college credit), participate in work-based learning, and demonstrate readiness for college-level reading and math. Students earning the endorsement will develop technical and essential employability competencies, earn in-demand credentials, and be prepared to launch rewarding careers. ISBE: Pathway Endorsements provides additional information.
By January 2025, a school district that elects to implement CCPE must submit materials ISBE to award endorsements pursuant to the following schedule:
For the 2027 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least one endorsement area
For the 2029 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least 2 endorsement areas
For the 2031 graduating class, a school district should offer CCPEs in at least 3 endorsement areas
*Indicates an endorsement that Charleston High School currently offers. We will be adding more pathways each year.