Members of Maximum Forte

Meredith "Shortcake" McGrath is a senior and third-year member of Maximum Forte. She is a member of Advanced Choir (Choir President), Advanced Chamber Ensemble, Performing Arts Club, Tri-M Music Honor Society (Vice President), color guard (Section Leader), and Concert Band. Outside of school Meredith is a dancer, her favorite genre is tap dance! Her favorite music to sing is jazz and a cappella! She is so excited for this year!

Elaina "Yapper" Sutula is a senior soprano, and a third-year member of Maximum Forte. She is also involved in the Advanced Choir (Secretary), Concert Band, Performing Arts Club, Marching Trojans (Senior Drum Major), Tri-M/ILMHS (Historian), and NHS. Last year, Elaina was selected as an All-State level ILMEA National Anthem Finalist and for FMES (Future Music Educators Seminar). Elaina takes any opportunity she can to be involved with music outside of school- such as community theatre, voice lessons, and summer camps. She plans to become an elementary music educator, and is super excited to learn more about the field from her amazing mentors. Elaina loves Maximum Forte because she gets to spend time with her friends while sharing beautiful music!

Mia "Miata" Carcasi is a senior in high school. She has been a part of the music department all four years of high school. Mia sings alto in Maximum Forte. She loves being a part of the group and is so glad to be spending her last year with these people.

Ally "Lanita" Gonzalez is a junior and a second-year member of Maximum Forte. She sings tenor, and this is her first time as a soloist this year. She is a CHS cheerleader, a part of two advanced choral ensembles, and a second-year member of Tri-M Music Honor Society. Outside of school and music, she likes to hang out with friends and family and go to the gym. She is so grateful to be a part of this amazing group with her favorite people and is so excited to see what all this group accomplishes!

Emma "Delulu" Karbassioon is a junior and second year member of Maximum Forte as an alto. She is in Advanced Chorus, Advanced Chamber Ensemble, Tri-M Music Honor Society (Secretary), and the CHS Performing Arts Club. Emma has been selected for ILMEA every year since 5th grade, she was even selected to be an All-State singer in 2023. Outside of music, she runs Cross-Country and Track. Emma loves being a part of Maximum Forte and is looking forward to competition.

Taryn "Cactus" Cole is a junior and a second year member of the Soprano section in Maximum Forte. She is a varsity tennis player, Advanced Chorus singer, All-State musician, and Tri-M member. In her free time, she plays guitar and piano, and paints. Her favorite part of being in Maximum Forte is getting to grow as a musician and sing challenging music with some of her favorite people.

Aiden "Robux" Caughran is a Senior Tenor 2 in Maximum Forte. Aiden Caughran also is a part of CHS Advanced Choir and CHS Advanced Chamber Ensemble. Aiden has been lucky enough to be a part of ILMEA Jazz All-State Choir 2023-24, ILMEA Honors All-State Choir 2022-23, and is officially the ILMEA male District 5 National Anthem Finalist for 2024-25. Aiden’s inspirations in music are Amy Winehouse, Liana Flores, Ella Fitzgerald, and Remi Wolf. Aiden is excited to experience his last year with all of his friends ,he’s ready to just have fun!

Michael "M&M" Morris is a junior and first year member of Maximum Forte as the vocal percussionist. He is also a member of Advanced Chorus. Outside of school Michael loves reading books, writing stories, practicing art, and is constantly practicing beatboxing whenever he can. Michael's favorite parts of being in the group are the events, his fellow members, and being able to improve his craft.

Jackson "Bubbly" Simmons is a sophomore this year at CHS. This is his first year in maximum forte and he’s the Bass. He is also in marching band, jazz band, and apart of the CHS drama department. He says he is most excited about building lasting bonds among the a cappella groups and going to competition!