
Students as you plan to meet with your buddies this morning, please be sure you have your Leadership Binders and planners. Be sure your binders and planners get back to your EPIC classroom before you head to the gym today. 

Stop by the IMC during Student-Led Conferences and shop the book fair that closes tomorrow!

Dust off your dancing shoes, Student Leadership Council is hosting a Disco themed dance on Friday, November 10, 2023, from 6-8 pm.  The cost is $5 to enter.  Concessions will be for saleReminder, to attend you must be present at school on the day of the dance and cannot have failing grades in 2 or more classes. 

Starting Monday, Student Leadership Council will be selling Bat grams in the morning and at lunch. Bat grams are  $.50 each.

Student Leadership members please sign up to sell Bat Grams. The sign up is outside Mrs. Dow’s door.