Student Leadership members selling Crush during their respective lunches are: Emmie P., Adeline R., Ella V., and Jack S.
Student Leadership members selling Crush Friday morning are: Faith O. and Jacky M.
Students and staff will be able to guess whose pet goes with each CMS staff member. There will be a board set up in the IMC. Once you make your guesses, make sure and put your name on the guess sheet and put it in the envelope on the board, Prizes will be awarded. All guesses are due today by 3:30.
This week CMS staff is looking for students who positively participate in class discussion.
Today’s Black History Month spotlight is on Nat King Cole. Renowned singer and jazz pianist Nat King Cole was the first Black American to host a TV show: NBC’s The Nat King Cole Show.
Scholastic Bowl practice tonight after school until 4:30.