
IAR Testing is fast approaching. CMS will be testing NEXT WEEK! Be sure to not end your test early.  Keep the computers open the entire time and use it to add items to your writing, to check questions you wanted to spend more time on, and doing whatever you can to get the best score! 


March is National Women’s History Month and for our last one of the month, it is time we show women some R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  Famed singer Aretha Franklin was the first woman inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. 


CMS Students are always encouraged to give a Shout Out to any student or adult who does great things! Today, Caleb Ogle wanted to give a shout-out to Gavin Hudson.  Caleb said, despite Anxiety and other things often weighing him down, he's still able to get assignments down well. He is a star in Scholastic Bowl!   


Since we are not here tomorrow, let’s do another shout-out.  This one is for Kahli Lawerence.  Kahli your classmate said, “I think she should get a shout out because she always shows leadership behavior and helps others with work when needed! She is a very respectful and nice person!!”  


Gavin and Kahli, all of CMS are proud of you and what you do for others and the school! Be watching the CMS TV’s and listening to announcements as we will have many more to share! Check your email and fill out the shout out form if you want to recognize someone.  


Attention 7th graders, by the end of the day today, your charger and computer need to be in your first period class. 8th Graders, you will need to make sure your chargers and computers are in your 3rd period class by the end of the day today! An announcement will be made at 3:15 to get that done.  


Lost and Found table will be taken down at the end of the day. Today is the last day to claim your items.  


No school tomorrow! Everyone enjoy your Easter weekend.