Big Congrats to our Special Olympians from last Friday at Special Olympics!! Thomas Cohoon received 5th place in the 100 M Run and Softball throw. Jason Bailey placed 2nd (silver) in the Softball throw. Thea Stone placed 2nd (silver) in the Softball throw, and Alexis Hill placed 1st (gold) in the Softball throw!!!
Calling all 7th graders: Do you like to be in charge? Have an opinion? Put on events? Then, fill out a Student Leadership Council Application today. All that are interested in Student Leadership Council will need to fill out the application, located in the office, and return it to Ms. Dow or Ms. Enyart by May 10th.
There is a card making station in the IMC for students to make teachers a card for Teacher Appreciation Week. The Student Leadership Council is asking that you stop by and make a card!
All books are due back to the IMC by Fri., May 10.
Talent show participants: There will be a practice right after school on Monday, May 6th. We should be done around 4:45 pm, please have a ride lined up. See Ms. Dow or Ms. Enyart if you have questions.
We have a few CMS shoutouts today!
This shout out is for Samuel Thomas. Ahmad says, “Samuel is one of the nicest people I know and has helped me through some tough times. Thanks Samuel!”.
Our next shout-out is for Kjona Johnson. Emma says, “Kjona deserves a shout out because she NEVER has a bad attitude, she's always ready to work, not bossy, and always has a positive look to everything.”
Wishing a huge- Happy Administrator’s Day to two of the best in our district Mr. Lynn and Mr. Mayhall! We appreciate you both for all that you do for our school!