
Student Leadership Council will be selling Bat Grams for $1 before school and during lunches; stop by to buy yours today! 


This week CMS Staff is looking for students who Track goals and share their journey! 


Shop the Book Fair this week!  Our WIG is to reach 250 books by Friday, October 25!  You can visit before school, lunch, WIN, and Student Led Conferences on Thursday evening and Friday! 


Stop by the IMC to vote for the Build Your Best Challenge and find out about our Monster Mash!! 




Do you know a veteran? Maybe a parent or a grandparent? CMS asks you to invite a veteran to this year’s Veterans Day assembly on Monday, November 11.  Please pick up a form in the office or from your Social Studies Teacher. 

Thursday, October 24th CMS will dismiss at 11:45.

Friday, October 25th no student attendance.