Wednesday’s spirit day is wear hearts.
Do you want to “POP” into Valentines Day with your crush? Well, you will have a chance this week. The Student Leadership Council will be selling ring pops before school and during lunch. Ring Pops are $1.00 each and will be delivered to your crush during 8th hour on Friday, February 14th.
Today’s CMS Shoutout goes to Olivia Garver. “Olivia is a good friend and always makes everyone happy. She lights up the room!”
This week CMS staff is looking for students who convey their ideas in class and in school! Share your ideas and answers!
Today’s Black History month spotlight is on Madam C.J. Walker. She created a line of haircare products for black women, leading her to later become the first black female self-made millionaire. There is now a Netflix series based upon her journey, titled Self Made.
Scholastic Bowl will meet tonight after school.
CMS Press will meet tomorrow after school.
The school office is NOT a place in the school that students can come and hang out in. If you need something from the office staff, please come in, get what you need, and then get back to where you should be. Thank you for you respecting Mr. Lynn on his policy.