Book Bistro meets today in the IMC during group 2 lunch. See Mrs. Crome for a pass!
Today’s CMS Shout-out goes to Mr. Pitcher. Sika said, “Mr. Pitcher is an amazing social studies teacher; he is always looking for the best in his students and he is very funny. I will really miss Mr. Pitcher when im no longer in his class.”
Track and Field signups are outside the office. Read the directions before signing up! Try-Outs begin Monday, March 10.
Have you lost that Stanley water cup or your winter jacket? Missing that planner or notebook? Check the lost and found! Lots of items are collecting and will be donated THIS FRIDAY during WIN.
The month of March is Women’s History Month, CMS will be spotlighting the gains and achievements of many incredible women this month. Today we recognize Edith Wharton. Edith was an American writer and designer. Wharton drew upon her insider's knowledge of the upper-class New York "aristocracy" to portray, realistically, the lives and morals of the Gilded Age. She was the first woman to win a Pulitzer Prize.