Today’s Announcements are for Thursday, March 23, 2023
"Backstage crews are beginning to form for this year's CHS musical production of Cinderella. We are looking for talented and hard-working individuals interested in getting involved with our run crews, lighting crew, sound crew, hair/make-up crew/costume crew, and front of house crew. There will be a meeting in the auditorium during WIN A on Thursday March 23rd for interested students where you can learn more about our crews and get an application to become a member of the Performing Arts Club and the production. If you have always wanted to be a part of the theatre but prefer to be a part of it from behind the scenes, this is the place for you. Join us on Thursday during WIN A for more information."
Any senior who has not submitted a senior spotlight to CHS Press needs to do so by Friday, March 31st. A reminder email was sent to all seniors from CHS Press with a link to the submission form. If you complete the form but do not send a photo, your Skyward photo will be used.
Help us clear out winter at the Thread n' Gold. Grab and Go will be outside Rm 107 today. Everything is free!! Please leave the hangers.
The Art Club meeting is today during WIN A.
Today’s quote is by: Maya Angelou