CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Thursday, March 30, 2023 

Seniors check your school email.  Multiple new scholarships have been emailed to you and posted on the Guidance Website. 

Prom will be on May 6th.  Guest passes and tickets will be available mid-April. 

Juniors check your school email regarding information about the American Legion Boys State and Girls State opportunity this summer.  Please email Mrs. Meeker with any questions. 

  FFA Breakfast is this Saturday from 7am-11am at the Trojan A & M Center. The cost is $10 for all you can eat pancakes and sausage.  

 Our Splatoon team for eSports is currently ranked #1 in the Central Region of the United States. Way to Go! 

 Seniors who did not attend the last dual credit meeting with Lake Land College, seniors who still have questions about their dual credit, and students interested in attending Lake Land College please plan to meet with the LLC representative today, 11:30-12:30.  She will be set up outside the library.   

 CHS Interact Club is selling fake mustaches for one dollar in the Media Center during both lunches today and Friday. There is a variety of mustaches to choose from, please help support a local family whose son is battling leukemia.   

Youth Alive is a Christ-centered club run by students who want to show God’s love to others.  Everyone is welcome to attend our weekly devotionals, which are on Thursdays during WIN A in room 301.  We would love to see you there.  

 Join Student Council tomorrow in celebrating Spirit Fridays. Wear your favorite jersey and show your support. 

Varsity Boys Baseball will be dismissed at 2:00, JV Boys Baseball will be dismissed at 2:20.


Today’s quote is by: Gail Devers 

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”