Today’s Announcements are for Wednesday, April 5, 2023
CHS Trojets Dance Team open gym will begin April 17th from 5:30-7pm in the West Gym. Clinic dates start May 2nd and will be required to attend for tryouts on May 5th. Packets are available in the front office.
CHS will be presenting Cinderella April 20-22nd. You can purchase tickets on-line at
The next Interact meeting will be held this Thursday April 6th at 8:15 in Mrs. Brimner's room. All are welcome.
If you are interested in working this summer as a Lifeguard at the Charleston Rotary Community Aquatic Center, We will be holding ‘Open Water Interviews’ Tonight on Wednesday April 5th and tomorrow on Thursday April 6th at 6:45pm at Lantz Pool on the campus of EIU.
Art Club will be meeting today during WIN in room 103. Members are asked to show up for WIN A for a brief meeting, and will have the option to bring their lunch and stay for WIN B if they choose. We will finishing painting pots and decide on future activities.
Join student council in celebrating Spirit Thursday April 6th with Hat Day. Wear your favorite hat to participate.
Way to go Boys track team for finishing 2nd place at our Mattoon meet yesterday!
Please dismiss the Boys Varsity Baseball team at 2:00 and the Girls JV and V softball team at 2:20 today.
Today’s quote is by: Babe Ruth
“Never allow the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”