Today’s Announcements are for Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Prom tickets will be sold during lunch/WIN until May 5th. Tickets are $20 each. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Students, May holds teacher appreciation week. We would like to offer you the opportunity to make a teacher or staff member's day. In the office and in the media center you will find some forms and a 'mailbox'. It would be awesome if you would take a minute to write a positive note, a thank you, or a memory to any staff member. This includes teachers, paraprofessionals, secretaries, nurses, counselors, student teachers, custodians, administrators, and lunch staff. Just leave the note in the boxes provided in the office and media center and we will be giving them out at the end of next week. Boxes and forms will be collected this Friday, May 5th.
Maximum forte will be presenting their annual showcase this Friday, May 5, at 7 pm. The show is titled “welcome to the acalife”. This will be a fun night with great a cappella and skits. Come experience the acalife with us and support your classmates in their last performance this year. Tickets can be purchased at
Seniors, if you owe any items to the library, you should have received a list in your English class. To participate in the graduation ceremony, all items plus your district-issued laptop/case/charging cord must be turned in or replacement cost paid. All items on the list labeled "needs returned" will have a replacement cost added if you do not return it. All charging cords on the list are loaner charging cords, in addition to your district-issued one. And, there is one error: the replacement cost for the My Perspectives British Literature textbook is $120, not $20. Finally, all laptops will be collected by the tech department on Tuesday, May 9th in the library. Please see Mrs. Runyon if you have any questions.
It’s National Prevention Week! Your mental health is vital in helping you make healthy decisions. For a gentle reminder that your mental health matters, check out our bookmarks in the library. Also this week, find your favorite Interact student or see Mrs. Brimner for a National Prevention Week sticker!
There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting Thursday during B WIN in Coach Hanner's room. All students and athletes are welcome to attend.
Congrats to Logan McPeek. He will be playing in the FFA band at the FFA convention in June.
Congratulations to the 2023 Prom Court: Breeona Bower, Maggie Goetten, Maddie Step, Whitley Wood, Ella Yoder, Judah Bryant, Ethan David, Caleb Oakley, Marshall Smith, Tristan Williams. Court members please meet with Mrs. Doughty during WIN A today to go over a few specifics.
Seniors: Check your email today for a link to Vote for Prom King and Prom Queen. Voting will remain open until tomorrow at 4:00. Prom King and Queen will be announced at the dance this Saturday.
Today’s quote is by: Mark Cuban
“If you’re not positive energy, you’re negative energy.”