Today’s Announcements are for Wednesday, May 17, 2023
The Thread n' Gold room will have a Spring and Summer Open House on Thursday, May 18th during lunch/WIN time. Come by and see all the new arrivals! Remember that everything is FREE! Also, this will be the last day the Thread n' Gold will be open for the school year.
There will be an FCA meeting today during B WIN in Coach Hanner's room. We will be discussing meeting times and other items for next year. All are welcome to attend. If you cannot make it, stop by and see Coach Hanner.
There will be a meeting on Thursday during the WIN B to talk about Junior Tennis for the Summer. The meeting will be held in room 105. We encourage Boys and Girls who play High School Tennis to show up as well. Please stop by the front office for a flyer and Program Waiver that will need to be signed by a parent.
The last day for Trojan Brew will be tomorrow. Stop by to get your iced coffee or pink passion before we close. We will offer drinks while supplies last. Thank you for all the support this year!
Today’s quote is by: Ralph Marston
“You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.”