Homecoming tickets will be on sale during Lunch/Win times in the cafeteria through Friday, September 22nd Tickets are $5.00. Guest Passes are available to pick up at the ticket table or in the office. Guest Forms must be turned in by September 22nd. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
If you are interested in competing for you class during the Homecoming Pep assembly this Friday you may sign up in the Lecture Room before school or during study hall times. Students competing in these events will be drawn lottery style. Due to time constraints not all events may occur during the assembly. Sign ups will be posted this week.
It’s Homecoming week, the themes for each day:
Today is Barbenheimer
Wednesday- Country vs Country Club
Thursday - Dress like your favorite teacher
Friday - Class color: Freshmen=black, Sophomores=lavender, Juniors=blue, Seniors=pink
The upcoming events for Homecoming are:
Parade-THURSDAY September 21st at 5pm. Lineup at 4:15. Lineup will be emailed to participants Thursday.
Assembly-Friday-Early Out schedule will be run.
Dance-Baker Gym-7pm-10pm
Powder Puff forms are due tomorrow. Pick up tshirt order forms from Mrs. Keeton or Mrs. Snoddy.
Any student interested in applying to be a Rotary Youth Exchange student for next school year, 2024-25, can pick up information from Ms. Scamihorn, the Interact sponsor. Rotary Youth Exchange enables CHS students between the ages of 16 and 18 to spend a year at a high school in another country. September is the month to apply. If you have any questions, please ask Ms. Scamihorn!
Seniors-The Illinois Electric Cooperative Memorial Scholarship Program (Due December 31, 2023) and the LaVern and Nola McEntire Line Worker's Scholarship (Due April 30, 2024) have both been updated on the CHS guidance scholarship page.
Attention Senior Girls: The P.E.O. Star Scholarship information packets are available in the Guidance office. Applicants must have a GPA of 4.o. Please pick these up as soon as possible. They are due on Friday, September 29th in the guidance office.
Elks Scholarship is now available and open for 8 weeks. It's open to all seniors - no elk affiliation necessary. Stop by guidance to get more information.
CHS science club meets in room #207 during WIN B, today.
Today’s quote is by Oprah Winfrey
“Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.”