CHS Daily Announcements

The basketball season is right around the corner! Here are some important dates to remember:

Today–Last Open Gym 6:45-8:45 pm

NOV 2–Player & Parent Mtg in Baker Gym after football practice 5:30 pm. Make sure at least 1 parent attends.

 Seniors:  There will be an important senior class meeting this Thursday, November 2nd in the auditorium at 11:30. Jostens will be there to go over the information needed for your diploma, cap and gown, custom Charleston Graduation announcements and Senior Gear.

 Congratulations to the Football team for making it to round 2 of the playoffs. We will be taking a fan bus to Murphysboro on Saturday if we get enough people interested. The cost will be $10 and will include your ticket into the game.  Please plan to bring cash to the front office to reserve your spot.  The bus will be leaving at 10:30 from the high school on Saturday morning. The deadline is this Wednesday by noon.

 Students and Staff: One of our staff members is working on a yearbook page about celebrity lookalikes here at Charleston High School. We'd love your feedback! If you think a student or staff member resembles a celebrity, please click the link below and submit us your idea.

As always, please be respectful as your name will be associated with your answer.


Today’s quote is by: Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

 "The rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open." 

Happy Halloween!