CHS Daily Announcements

The Sadie’s Dance is Feb. 24th at 7pm in Baker Gym.  The theme is Big City Love.  Tickets will be available soon. Guest passes are in the front office.

Seniors- the Jordan Holly Memorial Scholarship is updated on the guidance website.  The $5536 scholarship is for a graduating Charleston High School senior who will be attending college or university and pursuing a career that will serve children (pediatric medicine, education, speech pathology, child social services, etc.)  APPLY! APPLY! APPLY!

Seniors, the Coles County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarships have been updated on the guidance website.  


Seniors: The Bill Fleming Memorial Scholarship has been updated on the CHS local scholarship page. Any senior boy or girl who participates in track should let your track coach know you are interested in being considered for this $2,500 scholarship, there is no application. To qualify you must participate in track your senior year, be on the track team for at least 2 years, and plan on attending a 2-to-4-year college next school year. 


Lakeview College of Nursing rep Heidi Dailey will be here March 14th from 11:30 - 12:30.

If you are interested in meeting with her, please sign up in the guidance office no later than Tuesday March 12th . She will be set up in the Library.


There will be a meeting for any boys interested in Tennis on Wednesday February 14 in room 307 during B WIN.


Seniors-The Charleston Rotary Club Scholarship was added to the CHS guidance local scholarship page. You must be attending Eastern Illinois University, have a 3.0 or better GPA, and demonstrate honesty, fairness, and responsibility to qualify. Check out the application for more details.


 The CHS Interact Club will be doing a Fundraiser to support a teacher at CHS and their family. Interact will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to pie a teacher in the face at the half time of the boys varsity basketball game on Wednesday February 14th. At Halftime, 5 tickets will be drawn and the winning 5 tickets will get to pie a teacher in the face. If your winning ticket does not get drawn, you will get baked goods at the game! 

Interact Club will be selling tickets Friday before school at Baker Gym Doors and the Cafeteria doors, and during the night of the game. Pay $3 to get one ticket and $5 to get two tickets. Cash and Venmo are acceptable forms of payment. Ask Ms. Scamihorn if you have any questions! " 

Youth Alive will meet in room 301 during WINB today.  Everyone is welcome!