There will be a meeting for any boys interested in Tennis on Wednesday, February 14 in room 307 during B WIN.
The CHS Interact Club will be doing a Fundraiser to support a teacher at CHS and their family. Interact will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to pie a teacher in the face at the half time of the boys varsity basketball game on Wednesday February 14th. At Halftime, 5 tickets will be drawn and the winning 5 tickets will get to pie a teacher in the face. If your winning ticket does not get drawn, you will get baked goods at the game!
Interact Club will be selling tickets today during lunch , Tuesday before school, Wednesday before school and during lunch, and Wednesday the night of the game.
Pay $3 to get one ticket and $5 to get two tickets. Cash and Venmo are acceptable forms of payment. Ask Ms. Scamihorn if you have any questions! "
Tickets for the Sadie’s Dance will be sold in the cafeteria during lunch this week. Tickets are $10 each and won’t be sold at the dance.
The library will be closed during A lunch this week.
Today’s quote is by: Abraham Lincoln