All students who have been accepted into the internship program for next year must attend an informational meeting during WIN A or WIN B on either Monday, April 8 or Thursday, April 11 in the publications room in the media center. An email has been sent to each student with the date and time of their meeting. These dates and times are also posted on the bulletin boards in the media center and outside Trojan Brew. If you are not able to attend your scheduled meeting date and/or time, please attend one of the other meetings. Email Mrs. Niebrugge with questions.
SAT rosters are placed outside of the Lecture Hall, PSAT 10 rosters are outside of Baker Gym, and PSAT 8/9 rosters are outside of the office. Please check your room location for Tuesday April 9th. Reminder you will also need a charged laptop on this day!
Sophomores and Juniors, if you are interested in applying for ClassE next year, the application deadline is tomorrow, Friday, April 5. Please turn your application into Mrs. Meeker in the guidance office.
Youth Alive is meeting today in room 301 during WIN B. Everyone is welcome.
Sign ups for the Color Run end tomorrow at 12 p.m. you may sign up by grabbing a flyer in the office or going to the Cheer Instagram or Facebook for the link.
Today’s quote is by: Linda Conway
“It is not what is poured into a student that counts but what is planted.”