The CHS Paint the Town Red and Gold Color Run is this Saturday! Check in starts at 8:00 a.m. Start time for the race will be at 8:30 a.m. Come join us prior to the Strike Out Cancer Game and get your color on!
Any student that may have an interest in pursuing teaching as a career after high school, whether it is preschool, elementary, high school, middle school, or specials like music or art, there will be a meeting in Mrs. Pendergast-White's room during WIN A on Monday April 22nd. Lunch will be provided, please sign up no later than Friday April 19th with Mrs. Pendergast-White."
Any girls wanting to join the CHS swim team for next school year there will be a meeting in Mrs. Doughty's room during WIN A (11:30-12:00) on Thursday. Please see Mrs. Doughty if you cannot attend.
The form to sign up to attend summer school is available in the guidance office. Once it is completed please turn it back into the guidance office no later than Friday, May 31 by 1:00 p.m.
Sophomores, juniors and seniors-We have a surplus of last year's yearbook (the cover says Our Adventure Book), and we'd like to offer anyone who didn't purchase theirs at the discounted price of $20. You can bring a check made to CHS or cash to Mr. Cohoon's room to purchase.
Also, for all students-the last day to pre-order this year's yearbook will be the last day of school, Tuesday, May 23.
Lost and found is overflowing. Come check out the items before they get donated.
Seniors, check your email to nominate for Prom Queen and King. Nominations will be announced Monday and voting for Prom Queen and King on Friday, April 26th.
The girls track team will be dismissed at 1:20 today to go to Danville.
Today’s quote is by: Ed Helms
"Don’t be afraid of fear. Because it sharpens you, it challenges you, it makes you stronger; and when you run away from fear, you also run away from the opportunity to be your best possible self."