5/7/24 CHS Announcements

Junior NHS members, There will be an NHS meeting on Wednesday, May 8th during WIN B in Ms. Peterson's room.  Attendance is required.



Seniors, as a reminder if you want to walk through the halls at Mark Twain, bring your cap and gown and meet in West Gym at 11:30.


Trojan Brew will be open today during both lunch hours. Be sure to stop in soon as our last day will be Friday, May 17!


Seniors--before you leave today, you need to return all books, laptops with case, and charging cords to the library or pay for their replacement. You will not be called down during the day; simply return them at your convenience throughout the school day.


 Seniors, as a reminder there will be a breakfast on Friday in the cafeteria from 9:30-11:00. Following this, plan to arrive at Lantz arena for graduation practice by 12:00. 


Today’s quote is by: Ariana Grande

“Don’t ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It’s too short and you’re too special.”