9/20/24 CHS Announcements

Seniors-please check your e-mail to vote on yearbook's senior who's who. Form closes on Monday, September 23.


Students, if you ordered a Grateful Red shirt, they are available to pick up near the front office.


Lost and found is overflowing.  Make sure to check near the cafeteria doors if you have lost any items recently.  These items will be donated at the end of the week.


Scholastic Bowl practice will begin Monday, Sept. 23 in room 102 from 3:30-5:00.  Practices will be Mondays and Wednesdays.


CHS Industries has clash shirts for pre-order. Orders are due Monday at noon and will be available for pick up the week of the Clash. To order, please scan the QR codes that are posted throughout the school. Orders are only accepted through the QR code.


Homecoming is Oct. 12th.  Guest passes are available in the office or with Ms. Keeton. All Guest passes are due OCTOBER 8. NO late forms will be accepted. No exceptions.


Homecoming tickets will be $10 each and go on sale September 30-October 7 during lunch times ONLY. No late ticket sales will be made. 


The Rotary Youth Exchange is here! The ROTARY YOUTH EXCHANGE is for high school students ages 15 1/2-18. Most students go on exchange their junior year or the year after graduation, before starting college. We exchange with about 40 countries. CHS has sent 50-plus students on exchange through Rotary. Go to high school, stay with two or three families, learn a language and the culture! It is easy to apply! Come see Ms. Scamihorn to get a flyer about application!


The following students have been chosen as “Player of the Week”:  Charlotte Wilkerson, Audrey Jacobs, and Treylin Couch.  These students need to report to the office at this time to receive a certificate.



Today’s quote is by Albert Einstein:

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”