9/30/24 CHS Announcements

Homecoming is Oct. 12th.  Guest passes are available in the office or with Ms. Keeton. All Guest passes are due OCTOBER 8. NO late forms will be accepted. No exceptions.


Homecoming tickets will be $10 each and go on sale starting tomorrow during lunch times ONLY. No late ticket sales will be made. 


If you would like to join Student Council, please see Miss Keeton. Juniors and Seniors, your classes need representation!!!


Coles County Clash is on Oct. 4th.  We will be competing with Mattoon in a food drive as well.  Help our school collect the most non perishable food items to fill the bed of a Ford Pick up Truck.  Drop off food items at the ag. Building. For every 5 items, you will receive an entry to win a Ginger Ale’s gift card.


Seniors planning to attend EIU-You have the opportunity to win a $2000 scholarship toward your EIU tuition at the Coles County Clash game. To be entered in the drawing you must apply to EIU by Thursday, October 3. 


Seniors: Reminder Financial Aid Night will be held tonight at 6:00p.m. in the CHS auditorium. Parents and students are both welcome to attend. 


Ladies there is still plenty of time to sign up for Powder Puff!!! Please see Ms. Keeton and remember $20 is due today! Football players we need you coaching our Powder Puff players. See Ms. Keeton. 


The CHS Speech and Drama team will hold their introductory meeting on Wednesday October 2nd @5:30 PM. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP using the email on the flyers around the school by Monday at 2pm.


Jostens will be here on Oct. 10 for a Senior Celebration and distribute Senior gear that has been ordered.


Attention all students, Discovery Day registration is open. You received an email Friday afternoon with instructions and a list of sessions. Please register using SchooLinks by the end of the day tomorrow, October 1. Registration is first-come, first-served. Discovery Day will be held at CHS on October 24. 


Today’s quote is by: Lou Holtz

Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you're willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.”