10/1/24 Announcements

Homecoming is Oct. 12th.  Guest passes are available in the office or with Ms. Keeton. All Guest passes are due OCTOBER 8. NO late forms will be accepted. No exceptions.


Homecoming tickets will be $10 each and will be sold during lunch times ONLY. No late ticket sales will be made. 


Coles County Clash is on Oct. 4th.  We will be competing with Mattoon in a food drive as well.  Help our school collect the most non perishable food items to fill the bed of a Ford Pick up Truck.  Drop off food items at the ag. Building. For every 5 items, you will receive an entry to win a Ginger Ale’s gift card.


Seniors planning to attend EIU-You have the opportunity to win a $2000 scholarship toward your EIU tuition at the Coles County Clash game. To be entered in the drawing you must apply to EIU by Thursday, October 3. 


The CHS Speech and Drama team will hold their introductory meeting on Wednesday October 2nd @5:30 PM. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Please RSVP using the email on the flyers around the school by Monday at 2pm.


Jostens will be here on Oct. 10 for a Senior Celebration and distribute Senior gear that has been ordered.


Today is the last day to register for our college and career fair, Discovery Day. The issue with registration yesterday afternoon has been resolved. Please refer to the directions in the email you received on Friday. If you do not register, you will be placed in sessions that may not match your career interests. Registration closes tonight at 11:59 p.m.


National Honor Society will meet in Ms. Peterson's room this Wednesday, October 2nd, during WINB, at noon.


There will be a science club meeting in room 207 during WIN B, today. Everyone is welcome!


Science club and friends will be recycling again during 6th hour, today. Teachers, please kindly place your paper recycling boxes outside of your door for collection before 6th hour. Thank you for your participation in this community program.



Today’s quote is by: Jim Rohn

“If someone is going down the wrong road he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.”