10/4/24 CHS Announcements

Students, you should receive your student ID today in first period. 


Coles County Clash is TODAY.  We will be competing with Mattoon Tickets for the game are available in the front office until noon.  The cost is $5.  Come out to support your team.


It's time to sign up for the Homecoming assembly games!!! See Ms. Keeton!


Spirit Week is next week! 

Monday-Jersey Day

Tuesday-No rhyme or reason

Wednesday-Red and Gold

Thursday-Tourist day

You can also reference the posters around the school for reminders!


Tickets for Homecoming Dance are sold in the cafeteria and at the Student parking lot doors During lunch!!!! Tickets are $10 and will be sold the rest of the week and Monday. No late ticket sales. Guest passes are due Tuesday, October 8.


Powder Puff girls Activity consent forms are due October 15!!!


If you haven't signed up for Discovery Day on SchooLinks please bring your laptop to PE, Health, or Drivers Ed today. 


Please vote for Homecoming King and Queen and Your Homecoming Court. Ballots are open until the end of the school day.


Girls tennis will be dismissed at 10:00.  Good luck!



Today’s quote is by Jimmy Johnson

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”