Seniors, if you didn’t pick up your Senior Gear from Josten’s, plan to pick up these items in the front office. This is for Senior gear only, not cap and gown.
Students-did you attend the homecoming dance this past weekend? Did you capture some awesome moments on your phone? If so, the yearbook staff would love to see them and maybe even include them in this year's book. Just find and scan the Photo Share QR code posted on fliers around the building and upload them to us under the "student life" category. Be sure to tag the people in your photo. You can do this with all your best photos throughout the year and seniors, this is how you submit your senior portrait too! So look over those photo libraries and send us your best!
Now that we are at the end of the first quarter our 1st quarter incentive is approaching. This year our Trojan Up program is for Freshman-Seniors. In order to be on the top tier you need to have C's or better, no more than 1 unexcused absence, and no more than one minor discipline referral. You will get your cards this week and on Friday you will have a pizza day as well as a free WIN pass and any prizes from tiers below. For the gold tier you will need C's or better, no more than 2 unexcused absences, and no more than 2 minor discipline referrals. You will get a candy/popcorn day, free food or drink item for Trojan Brew, and free admission to CHS sporting events for the quarter. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Brimner.
There will be a CHS Future Teacher Club meeting during WIN A on Thursday October 17th.
Students see Mrs. Brimner in the Media Center during Lunch/WIN time to get your Trojan Up cards for first quarter today and/or Thursday.
Today’s quote is by: Muhammad Ali
“Don’t count the days, make the days count.”