Announcements for Tuesday, December 3, 2024
It's the most wonderful time of the year. Time for the Thread n' Gold Holiday Open House!!
Sip cocoa, shop and enjoy a cookie at the Thread n' Gold Holiday Open House Thursday, Dec 5th from 11:30-12:30. Santa said no request card is needed and EVERYTHING is FREE! Everyone is on the good list, so come on down and shop around.
There will be a CHS Future Teacher’s Club meeting on Tuesday, December 3 during WIN A in the Foods room.
National Honor Society will meet in Ms. Peterson's room at Noon on Wednesday, December 4th.
There will be an Interact Meeting in Ms. Scamihorn's room today immediately after school! Come to this meeting to hear about what the Interact Club will be doing in December!
There will be a CHS science club meeting today during WIN B today in room 207.
There will be a meeting Thursday morning at 8:25 in the driver’s ed room for boys track for any boys that are interested.
Today’s quote is from the movie: Christmas Vacation – Clark Griswold
“Well, I'm gonna park the cars and get the luggage, and well, I'll be outside for the season."