Announcements for Thursday, January 2, 2025
Welcome back CHS! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break!
Reminder – today is a Gold day and tomorrow is a Scarlet day.
Students can now start making schedule changes for semester 2 classes. The deadline will be Wednesday, January 8 at 3:30 p.m. Students can stop in the guidance office or email their counselor for schedule changes. If your last name starts with A-K see Mrs. Nelson or L-Z see Mrs. Meeker.
Seniors- if you have applied and plan on attending University of Mississippi, Fall 2025 please send Mrs. Meeker an email stating that as soon as possible.
Trojan Up levels for 2nd quarter will be handed out in the Media Center on Wednesday January 8th and Thursday January 9th during lunch/WIN time. This allows you to skip the line during incentives since we will not need to look up individual names and levels, you will only need to show your card. The second quarter incentives for Trojan Up level students are donuts the morning of Friday January 10th. We will be serving at the concession stand and cafeteria. Please see Mrs. Brimner if you have any questions.
Lost and found will be donated after tomorrow. If you are missing any items, please check lost and found before you leave tomorrow.
Today’s quote is by: Mother Teresa
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”