EIU O'Brien stands at Coles County Clash football game October 2021

Here’s what you need to know about the Coles County Clash this week! 

The Coles County Clash is this Friday (10/7/22)! The title is a bit of a misnomer because instead of a bunch of people fighting each other like the name of Clash suggests, it’s actually the football game between Charleston High School and Mattoon High School, the biggest rivalry in the area. The game is one of the highlights of the year because people from both Charleston and Mattoon will be able to come and watch the game, along with the band, cheer, and obviously football team from each town will also be at the game.

If you wish to attend the game, the game will be this Friday (10/7/22), as previously stated, and all CHS students don’t have school that day either (sorry teachers). The game will start at 7:00 p.m. and for anyone in Charleston, you can get your tickets to the game in the CHS main office for $5, and they will also be sold at the ticket booth the night of the game for the same price. It’ll be played on Eastern Illinois University’s campus at O’Brien Field. You can enter either the A or B gate once you arrive and from there can sit wherever you’d like in the bleachers. The CHS student section normally wears something fun as a theme for home games (the themes for the last two home games were Beach and Country) and this game is no different. Students are asked to wear Red and Gold to represent the CHS colors. Even though it isn’t mandatory, it’s highly recommended.

The Clash is the most anticipated game each year and CHS even won the Clash two seasons ago in April 2021. Will history repeat itself again this year? Attend the game Friday night and find out for yourself!