Today’s Announcements are for Friday, October 28, 2022
Senior Pictures are due by Friday, December 16th. Turning them in earlier than that is encouraged. Submit your pictures and any questions to Mr. Zuber.
AP test order forms are due in the guidance office by Friday, November 4. If you have any questions talk with your AP teacher or Mrs. Nelson in the guidance office.
Students and Staff, please take a moment to check your school email for a brief survey for Trojan Brew. The survey will be available through today. Your suggestions will help us make improvements to our student-run coffee shop.
Seniors interested in pursuing a career in education can apply for the Michael Hindman Teacher Education Scholarship. The application can be found on our local scholarship page on the CHS guidance website.
Seniors-The Save the Abandoned Babies Foundation is offering 5- $1000 scholarships. The details have been added to the CHS guidance website on the scholarship page.
Are you interested in film as a future career? Do you enjoy watching classic films? Then Film Club is for you! Join us on Wednesday, November 2nd for an informational meeting in the band room to learn more.
As a reminder, today you will meet with all classes with the exception of WIN.
Today’s joke is: What genre of music does a mummy like? Wrap!