Today’s Announcements are for Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Seniors-The following scholarships have been added to the CHS guidance website under local scholarships: Sarah Bush Lincoln Guild Scholarship, Illinois Sheriffs Association Scholarship, and Illinois Agriculture Scholarships. Be sure you are regularly checking your student email as well as the CHS guidance scholarship page so you can apply for scholarships by the required deadlines! Applying for scholarships would be a good use of study hall or extra class time!
There will be a meeting for the Co-Ed Bass Fishing team to meet in the lecture room on January 22nd from 2-4pm for a fishing clinic.
Attention senior girls-The P.E.O. Community Scholarship, Chapter CF has been added to the CHS guidance webpage under local scholarships. If you have a G.P.A. of 3.75 or higher you should apply for this scholarship opportunity.
CHS now has a technology intern who is available to work on your laptop issues. The Tech Help Desk is in the library and open during 7th and 8th hours between 2pm and 3:20pm. Any laptop needing updates, a repaired keyboard or trackpad, or a repaired screens should be brought to the Tech Help Desk during 7th and 8th hours. Students who need a loaner laptop, a loaner charger, their password, or whose laptop is making the loud warning sounds should see Mrs. Runyon at the circulation desk.
Trojan Brew will be selling chocolate chip cookies tomorrow for $1 each. Stop by to get an iced coffee and a cookie!
Student Council will be sponsoring a blood drive Friday January 20th. Sign up online by scanning the QR code that is next to the flyers around school. There will also be flyers and QR codes outside the Gym, Mrs. Doughty’s Room, and Mrs. Thomas’ room. Students who are 16 must have a parent consent form to donate. Those will be available outside Mrs. Doughty’s room.
Today’s quote is: “Think like a proton. Always positive.” Unknown