CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Monday, January 30, 2023

 February 1st  is the last day to make a donation for the SIXTH annual CARE Game. The collection jars are in the office and media center. The class that raises the most funds will receive a prize and points towards the Class Cup. Please try and stop in and make a donation!

 Seniors-The Elizabeth Ann Weidner Memorial Scholarship and the Daily Farm Scholarship have been updated on the CHS local scholarship page. 

We are reviving the CHS Unite organization this semester.  This group is intended to be a racially diverse group that works on uniting our students and staff by raising awareness of the rich history and cultures of the many races and nationalities represented here at CHS.  Our goal will be to educate, inform and share information as well as provide a safe and inviting place for minorities in our CHS family. 

Our meetings will be during the lunch hours on early dismissal days.  You can bring your lunch to room 412.  

 There will be a Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting on Tuesday, January 31 during B WIN in Coach Hanner's room.  All students are welcome to come.  Feel free to bring your lunch with you!

 Student Council will be selling Crush Cans to celebrate Valentines day. Orange, strawberry, and grape crush soda cans will be available for $2.00 which includes a message to the recipient and delivery on Valentines Day. Crush Cans will be for sale Monday February 6th through Thursday February 9th during WIN/Lunch block in the media center.


Today’s quote is:  John Steinbeck

"What good is the warm of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness."