Today’s Announcements are for Thursday, February 2, 2023
The library will be closed during 2nd and 4th hours today for MAP make up testing. Students cannot come down from classes nor study halls unless they are called down to make up MAP testing. This means that students cannot print nor use the die cuts in the morning. The library will reopen for lunch and for the afternoon classes.
Class registration forms are due to the guidance office no later than Tuesday, February 7th. If you were absent the day a guidance counselor was in your English classroom, please stop by the guidance office for a class registration form. Email your counselor with any questions.
Student Council will be selling Crush Cans to celebrate Valentines day. Orange, strawberry, and grape crush soda cans will be available for $2.00 which includes a message to the recipient and delivery on Valentines Day. Crush Cans will be for sale Monday February 6th through Thursday February 9th during WIN/Lunch block in the media center.
Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center is providing a free heart scan for sophomore athletes on Saturday, March 4th from 7am-12pm at the Heart Center. The screening is intended to detect undiagnosed heart problems. If interested, please pick up a form from the front office and have it returned by Friday, February 10th.
Attention sophomores and juniors who are interested in the internship or cooperative education work programs - Mrs. Niebrugge will hold an informational meeting on Monday, February 6 in the media center during both Lunch/WIN times (11:30-12:00 and 12:00-12:30). You can attend either time. If you have a required WIN and wish to attend, you must obtain a pass from your WIN teacher. If you are unable to attend, and would like more information, please email Mrs. Niebrugge or stop by Room 312. A link to the application materials was sent via email to all current sophomores and juniors two weeks ago. All applications and teacher recommendations are due by Friday, February 17.
A reminder that applications for CHS Unite officers must be turned in to Mrs. Hughes by the end of the day today, Thursday. Officer elections will be held next week, please listen to the announcements for when the election will be held.
Seniors-Two scholarships have been emailed to you and added to the local scholarship page under Code Enforcement Officials of Southern Illinois. Check them out for more details.
Today’s quote is from the movie “Groundhog Day”:
“This is one time where television really fails to capture the true excitement of a large squirrel predicting the weather.”