CHS Daily Announcements

Today’s Announcements are for Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Class registration forms are due to the guidance office today.  If you were absent the day a guidance counselor was in your English classroom, please stop by the guidance office for a class registration form.  Email your counselor with any questions.

Student Council will be selling Crush Cans this week.  Head down to the Media Center during WIN/Lunch block to purchase yours for $2.

CALLING ALL BOYS! Trojocks is back! Jump on the opportunity to dance with the Trojets and steal the halftime show at the boys' senior night basketball game. Sign-ups are posted around the building, or you can find a Trojet to sign up! Practices will be set based on availability of participants. We hope to see you there!

 A representative from Blackburn College will be here from 9-10 on Wednesday February 8th in the Library if you would like to meet with them.  Please see guidance for a pass.

 National Honor Society will meet during WIN B in Ms. Peterson's room today.

 Students are no longer allowed to go to Rural King during lunch hours. 

 The CHS Choir will be selling “Singing Valentine’s”.  It will be $10 and will include a box of chocolates.  To purchase this fun way of showing your love, they will be available in the cafeteria this week.

 Trojan Brew will be selling cake pops on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Stop by to grab one as well as an iced coffee. Thank you for your support!

 The next Interact Meeting is Thursday February 9th in Mrs. Brimner's room at 8:15. We will have guest speakers so make sure to get there by 8:15. 


 Today’s quote is by: Jay-Z

“I’m hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter.  That’s what this world is about.  You look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that’s from being bright all the time, and trying to be brighter.”