Tonights HS VB game can be streamed at the following link.*yoo0al*_gcl_au*OTg2NzA5NDc4LjE3MjE5Mjg1NjA.*_ga*NDExMTMwODY3LjE3MjE5Mjg1NjA.*_ga_PXBBF7HVWQ*MTcyNTU1NDUxOS42LjEuMTcyNTU1NDY5Ny4wLjAuMA
Less than one month left to get your yearbook at the lowest price of the year! Lots of personalization options available online. You'll want to check this off your list ASAP!
Join the Booster Club on Saturday morning at Ike's for the Queen of Hearts and Trojan Football at 11:30 PM if you can't make the trip to Rantoul. TRO-JAN!
The CHS football game scheduled for tonight at Rantoul has been postponed until 11:30 AM on Saturday.
The CHS football game at Rantoul is currently in a weather delay. We will provide updates as decisions are made.
CHS Athletic Announcement 8/30/24
Reminder to all CHS 12th graders: Senior sunrise tomorrow at 6am! 🌅
We are excited for a new school year starting tomorrow! We also wanted to remind everyone how important it is to attend as much as possible. School attendance matters!
Now Hiring a 2nd Shift Custodian at Charleston High School! Apply today @
First come, first serve! More free (very generously used) furniture outside of CHS!
REMINDER: CHS Sophomore Laptop Pickup is today (Tuesday, August 13th) in the Cafeteria from 10:00am-2:00pm!
REMINDER: CHS Junior/Senior Laptop Pickup is today (Monday, August 12th) in the Cafeteria from 10:00am-2:00pm!
Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors-mark your calendars! Our event will take place during lunch and WIN. Seniors-we'll provide you with a list of important deadlines regarding senior portrait submission. Order your 2025 yearbook now at the lowest price of the year:
Our 2025 book is on sale now for the lowest price of the year! Cost is only $55 until September 27. Order online now at You can also order with a check or cash with Mr. Cohoon once school starts. Personalization must be done online.
CHS is now accepting applications for Kermit's Cove preschool students for the upcoming school year! Follow the link for more information and the preschool registration form:
The CHS cheer store is now open! For more information or to order a Trojan shirt or blanket, please see & submit the following form:
This is for Class of 2024 only at this time. Other classes will receive their books after the start of the school year at our distribution event. Pick up is in CHS Main Office.
The final CHS Press articles are now available! Congratulations to Mr. Keating and Mrs. Runyon on their retirements! Read about their careers here #CHSCusd1
CHS Physics stundents rocketed through their final today!
Check out the final History of Coles County article for this school year. Pvt. Harold Poulter, killed in action during WWII, will be buried in the Janesville Cemetery on June 4th. #CHSCUSD1