Check out last week's Feature Friday! It highlights two hardworking students who have created a "brand" out of doing what they love! #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Sofia Cornebise
Olivia Bennett
Emma Beurskens
Check out the new "Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" review up now on CHS Press! You can view it here:
about 2 years ago, CHS Press
"Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania" Poster
#CHSCUSD1 Today's spotlight is Sadie! you can read all about her and many other seniors at
about 2 years ago, CHS Press
Sadie senior 2023
Students have begun making additions to the interior of the #TrojanAM Center and #CHSCUSD1 ! For starters they've added shelving units to the Trojan A&M Center and to CHS. #charlestoncusd1 #chsindustries #CTE #CTEMonth #eiefes340 #ilctemonth #ilcte #isbe
about 2 years ago, Social Media Intern
CHS Student finishing a shelving unit.
A student clearly working hard at the Trojan A&M Center.
A new shelving unit at the Trojan A&M Center.
A new shelving unit at the Trojan A&M Center.
S-Tier actors Aaron Lock and Derrick Zerrusen try their first sips of a delicious coffee from CHS's Trojan Brew! Check out the commercial here:
about 2 years ago, Social Media Intern
Trojan Brew student barista.
An overtime thriller resulted in this #TrojanScoreZone Update from last night in Mattoon! #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
Students at CHS have been making shirts to represent their teams and to show some school spirit! Here's a prototype of the Trojan Detailing shirt. #CHSCUSD1 #charlestoncusd1 #chsindustries #CTE #CTEMonth #eiefes340 #ilctemonth #ilcte #isbe
about 2 years ago, Social Media Intern
Student using a press machine.
The shirt making process!
The shirt making process!
A student showing off a new Trojan Detailing shirt.
#Gameday #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
#TrojanScoreZone update from last night at Paris for Boys Varsity Basketball! #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
Last Friday was Senior Night at CHS! This is an appreciation post to Band Director Mr. Wengerski and his pep band for always cheering our players on and thank you to the Senior Pep Band Members for sticking along. #CHSCUSD1 #charlestoncusd1 #SeniorNight
about 2 years ago, Social Media Intern
Band Director, Mr. Wengerski, surrounded by Senior band members.
Senior Members of the CHS Pep-Band and their parents.
The CHS Pep-Band.
Pep-Band playing some tunes.
Band Director, Mr. Wengerski, surrounded by Senior band members.
Pep-Band and Mr. Wengerski playing some tunes.
Pep-Band playing some tunes.
Pep-Band practicing some tunes.
Pep-Band practicing some tunes.
Pep-Band playing some tunes.
Charleston High School Advanced Chorus members formed three barbershop quartets to deliver singing Valentines to CHS students and staff this afternoon.
about 2 years ago, CUSD1
#CHSCUSD1 Today's senior spotlight is Caleb! You can read all about him and many other seniors at
about 2 years ago, CHS Press
Caleb senior 2023
Listen in as Mr. Payne, Mr. Hanner, Mrs. Siegel, Mrs. Warman, Mr. Zerrusen, Mr. Keating, and Mrs. Snoddy explain how they met their special someone for Valentine's Day at CHS!
about 2 years ago, CHS PRESS
#Gameday #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
This week's calendar for Trojan Athletics #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
#TrojanScoreZone Updates from the last weekend! #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
Good Luck to CHS Wrestlers Marcellx Boling, Mackensie Williams, Morgan Smallhorn, and Alaynia Bryant as they compete in the IHSA Wrestling Sectionals in Highland and Peoria today! #CHSCUSD1
about 2 years ago, Derrick Zerrusen
Game Day
The prototype picnic table has been completed at the Trojan A&M Center! They have 20 more lined up to be made next week and selling should start towards the end of March at $250 per table. Don't forget about the FFA Pancake Breakfast that should take place in March! #CHSCUSD1 #charlestoncusd1 #CTE #CTEMonth #eiefes340 #ilctemonth #ilcte #isbe
about 2 years ago, Social Media Intern
Production class students sitting on the newly finished picnic table.
A picnic table in the Trojan A&M Center.
Production student finishing up a prototype picnic table.
A picnic table in the Trojan A&M Center.
CHS is celebrating National School Counseling Week by featuring all five of our counselors in the home page Spotlights. We are thankful for all the work our counselors do for our students! Check them out here: #CHSCUSD! #NSCW23 Ch
about 2 years ago, Charleston High School
National School Counseling Week February 6-10, 2023
CHS Press has just launched a new page titled Feature Fridays! It features CHS alumni and current students who excel in out-of-school activities and jobs! Check it out here: #chscusd1
about 2 years ago, Sofia Cornebise
David Haller CHS Military Alumni
Christina Ingram Military
Michael Ingram Military