Next Week’s #CHSCUSD1 Schedule of Athletic Events!
CHS Track Update: The Mt. Zion Relay Meet scheduled for Saturday morning is being rescheduled for 4/20 @4pm due to expected weather conditions.
Today's Senior Spotlight is on Maddi!! Go check it out at #chscusd1
CHS Press: Today we have FOUR new articles! Read about FFA's annual record book judging, Post Prom, the role of journalism in the Women's Suffrage Movement, and the Girls Basketball Banquet through the link below.
Check out today's Senior Spotlight: Abagail!!
Big Fish comes out today! Preview it now!
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Charleston High School Presents…Big Fish – A New Broadway Musical. March 31st and April 1st at 7:00 pm, and April 2nd at 1:00 pm. Enjoy the show at EIU’s Doudna Fine Arts Center – The Theatre. Tickets are $15.00 for adults or $13.00 for students and can be purchased through the Doudna Ticket Office at (217) 581 – 3110, or online at
Today's senior spotlight is on Maddi!! Check it out at #chscusd1
In honor of #youthartmonth and #marchmadness, Mrs. Siegel invited some of her students to vote for their favorite paintings among a wide range of examples provided to them. Paintings were from a diverse group artists in terms of era, style, gender, and ethnicity. Stay tuned for the winner! To view the paintings, themselves, and for links on each artist, feel free to peruse this presentation!:
Mrs. Siegel saw a "community call for cranes" posted on social media by an art teacher from Champaign, and so Mrs. Siegel invited her students to participate. See the flyer in the images below for more info about the project! #wa #boneyardartsfestival #papercranes
CHS Press: Check out new articles about the upcoming musical, Big Fish, PSAT/SAT Day, the Boys Basketball banquet, and watch Maximum Forte's performance from the Midwest Semifinals.
Check out today's Senior Spotlight: Ashton!! #chscusd1
Today's Senior Spotlight is Anastasia! Go check it out at #chscusd1
Congratulations to Jaksen Braun for being selected to the 3A 3rd team All-State Basketball Team by the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association! We are proud of you. For the complete listing of All-State Team members, follow this link
CHS Press: Get ready for Prom and the Art Show with our new articles! Read also about Sociology students' School Improvement Plan project and the history of Daylight Saving Time.
Need some new Charleston Trojan apparel? Visit the team shop and order yours today! Store closes on March 18, so don't delay.
CHS Press: Learn about the Bulgarian holiday, Baba Marta Day, celebrated March 1st.
CHS Press: Learn about the Bulgarian holiday, Baba Marta Day, celebrated March 1st.
ClassE is hosting a Prom Dress Sale this weekend! Get the details here AND listen to junior Emma explain why ClassE is hosting this sale. #chscusd1
CHS Press: It's Mustache March at CHS! See photos of the participants and learn about the fundraiser through the link below. Additionally, read about when Choir students saw Little Women, the Musical, at Doudna.