Ms. Repking's first graders are using pattern blocks to work on their learning targets, "identify shapes found in other shapes" and "creating shapes from other shapes". They are loving to learn about geometry! #csescusd1
9 days ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Thanks to Charleston Ginger Ale's for treating Ms. Odea's third grade class to a free drink for their class party! The students loved this special treat! #csescusd1
26 days ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Students in Mrs. Coffey's third grade class wrapped up a reading unit about ways an author organizes text. They learned about the different text structures by reading about the Titanic. #csescusd1
26 days ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Ms. Repking's first grade class filled their fuzzy jar for good behavior. They celebrated this week with a glow dance party! #csescusd1
about 2 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Carl Sandburg staff would like wish all our students and families happy holidays! We hope you enjoy winter break and look forward to seeing everyone on January 2nd! ❤️💚 #csescusd1
3 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Mrs. Harrington's third graders had fun working in groups to solve an "unlock the box" challenge prior to winter break. #csescusd1
3 months ago, Paige Harrington
Mayor Combs paid a visit to 2AT today! Students prepared a list of questions and interviewed him. #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
The Penny Wars at Carl Sandburg have ended! 3rd grade earned bragging rights and enjoyed their extra recess today! Thank you to all the students and families who donated! Final totals.... 🥇3rd grade $-127.39 🥈1st grade $-180.72 🥉2nd grade $-192.01 Total donated: $2060.86 #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Carl Sandburg students in Mrs. Pounds, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Cooper's class enjoyed a field trip to EIU Lanes today! ❤️🎳 #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Congratulations to these Carl Sandburg students for showing leadership qualities and earning a spirit slip in October! #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Thank you to the families that were able to come out and support Jefferson Elementary at McTeacher's night this week! What a fun evening for our students and staff! ❤️🍟🍔 #jeffersoncusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Students at Carl Sandburg have been participating in 'Penny Wars' for the last week to help fund future Leader in Me activities! Grade levels are competing for bragging rights and an extra recess! CSE has raised over $1000 already, and students have until Friday to bring in their change! Totals so far...... 🥉1st grade $-148.97 🥈2nd grade $-146.65 🥇3rd grade $-82.79 #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Ms. Repking’s first grade class learned about the upcoming election. They even participated in “voting” for their favorite cookie. #csescusd1
4 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
T-R-O JAN!!! Charleston Trojan fans were excited for Red & Gold day at Carl Sandburg!!! ❤️💛 Tomorrow's spirit week dress up day is vacation wear!! #csescusd1
5 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Class colors day at Carl Sandburg! 🧡💛💚 Tomorrow, students can wear their Red & Gold! Go Trojans!!! ##csescusd1
5 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Sports day at Carl Sandburg!! Tomorrow's spirit week dress up day is Class Colors! 1st grade- orange 2nd grade- yellow 3rd grade- green #csescusd1
5 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Congratulations to these Carl Sandburg students who were given a Spirit Slip in August and September for being leaders in our school! #csescusd1
5 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
What a great way to start a football Friday!! Students and staff at Carl Sandburg enjoyed a visit from Coach Halsey and players from the CHS football team this morning! We're looking forward to cheering them on tonight at the Coles County Clash!! ❤️🏈💛 #csescusd1 #greatdaytobeatrojan
5 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Thanks to all the Carl Sandburg families who were able to join us for our Fall Tailgate Title Night! 🏈📚❤️ #csescusd1
6 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne
Students at Carl Sandburg enjoyed a visit from Billy the Panther today before school! #csescusd1
6 months ago, Morgan, Beth Anne