We wanted to make you aware that our Virtual Parent/Teacher Q & A via Zoom Meeting originally scheduled for the evening of Monday, August 17th has been postponed.
Additional information about a future event will be provided in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, August 12; after 4pm: Classroom Assignments Posted. You will need to log into Skyward to find your student's teacher assignment. You will not be able to see this unless your student is registered and all school fees are paid.

Attention all 6th 7th & 8th grade girls and boys! Cross Country practice is set to begin on Monday August 10th at 7:30am at Charleston Middle School. Cross Country is a no-cut sport and any interested students are encouraged to give it a try. No experience is necessary. Newcomers are brought along gradually and carefully. Our teams compete hard, but also have a great deal of fun playing games and making new friends. Monday is primarily an information day but we will get in a short workout weather permitting. If there are storms we will meet for about 30 minutes inside to discuss the first few weeks of practice and to hand out paper work to anyone who needs it. Athletic packets can be picked up in advance at the CMS office. Students Please drop off and pick up your athletes in the west horseshoe parking lot of CMS. Bring a water bottle!
We hope a bunch of you might be brave enough to try something new. Cross Country is a really fun and exciting sport.
You must have a current physical on file and must have the Covid player waiver filled out before you can practice. The waiver is attached below:
COVID 19 Waiver: https://drive.google.com/…/1SZwXLOYR2G1bckBETuC41_obQp…/view
Any questions please text or call Coach John McInerney(Coach Mac) at 217-549-5700

Please refer to the revised return to school letter attached. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/534683/Welcome_Letter.pdf
(The building walk-throughs originally scheduled for Friday, August 7th have been cancelled)

Hello Jefferson Families,
The 2019-2020 school yearbooks have arrived and are available for pickup to those who ordered a copy. The JES office will be open from 7:00am - 3:00pm with the exception of 12:00pm - 1:00pm for lunch. Any yearbooks that are not picked up this summer will be distributed to students this fall or sent to Charleston Middle School for last year's 6th grade students.
There are a limited amount of copies available at $8.00 apiece for anyone who would like to purchase. Please bring in the exact amount if possible when purchasing.
Thank you for your patience with the delay and your assistance with the pickup/delivery process,
Mr. Ulm

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Jefferson Young Authors Winners and Participants.
Colby Metzger - 4th Grade Winner
Emsley White - 5th Grade Winner, Overall Building Winner
Maggie Englum - 6th Grade Winner
Chase Barker
Owen Davis
Madi Entrican
Julian Graziano
Andrea Hogan
Clara Moran
Faith Ogle
Shelby Pollard
Lizzie Snider
Taylor Woodall
Marlee Zuniga

Ready to take your golf game to new heights? Click on the link below to learn more.

Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Jefferson Elementary Leadership Award Winners:
4th Grade - Reya Boyer / Henry Watson
5th Grade - Sadie Phillips / Cash Biggs
6th Grade - Ellie Strader / Elliott Bennett
Thank you to the Charleston Rotary for sponsoring these awards.

The JES Boys' Basketball Championship game has been postponed.

Spring Break Spirit Week at Jefferson Elementary School this week!

March 2nd - March 6th is National School Breakfast Week!

PTA After School Social is today (February 28); 1:05p-3:00p. Please pick up students in the appropriate spot at 3:00p unless otherwise approved in different spot. 4th grade-gym doors, 5th grade-door in the West parking lot, 6th grade-front of building.

Due to the inclement weather on February 5th & 6th, the boys' basketball games that were postponed will be rescheduled for March 4th & 5th. Please visit our website for the updated schedule.
With the rescheduling of the games, there will be no practices on those days.

JES Team/Club pictures are rescheduled for the morning of February 18. Pictures will begin right after school starts.

The JES Music Department and the Charleston Joint PTA would like to send a special Thank You to all of the wonderful volunteers during our annual JES concert and Feb Fest. We could not have done this without your help.

The JES Music Department and the Charleston Joint PTA would like to thank everyone who joined us for our annual concert and Feb Fest. We hope everyone had a wonderful time.