Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
Will you have a Kindergarten student this fall? First Step Kindergarten Registration is now open! Please complete this form to begin the registration process for your kindergartener!
#twaincusd1 #charlestoncusd1 #firststepregistration
H is for Hat
Tomorrow is I is for Invention day
#marktwain #twaincusd1 #westicktogether #abccountdown
G is for Game day was a winning choice at Mark Twain! Tomorrow is H is for Hat day 🧢👒
#twaincusd1 #marktwain #westicktogether #abccountdown
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
B is for Backwards
Tuesday at Mark Twain is C is for Crazy Hair Day
#twaincusd1 #marktwain #westicktogether #abccountdown2022
A is for Airplane ✈️
Tomorrow at Mark Twain is B is for Backwards Day. Students are encouraged to wear their clothes backwards. Its also a Leader in Me shirt day so feel free to wear it backwards if you want!
#twaincusd1 #marktwain #westicktogether #abccountdown2022
Tomorrow is the kick off to our ABC Countdown. Each day for the remainder of the year, we will be celebrating a letter of the alphabet with a fun activity/theme. Tomorrow is A for Airplane. Students will have a paper airplane competition in their classroom. Please see the link for the full calendar of events.
#marktwain #twaincusd1 #westicktogether #abc #abccountdown
Happy National Paraprofessional Day! We are lucky at Mark Twain to have the best para team around. Thank you Ms. Susie, Ms. Wally, Miss Knovelle, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Murphy, Ms. Mandy & Ms. Maria (not pictured) for all you do to help our kids learn & grow! #twaincusd1 #marktwain #westicktogether
Though the Mark Twain staff & parents threw me the BEST going away party on April Fools Day, I'm not going anywhere:) Thank you for all the gifts & time spent to prank me BIG time, I'm flattered. This one will go down in history! #twaincusd1 #westicktogether
-Mrs. Titus
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
Today is Spring School Picture Day at Mark Twain Elementary School! Pictures can be viewed/purchased later this week using your child's school ID number at:
This month at Mark Twain, our community leader focus was on high school students. We enjoyed having CHS Interact students, football players and basketball players at our school modeling how to be a good leader. #leaderinme #twaincusd1 #westicktogether #marktwain
Tomorrow is the last day for Round Up. If you have a child ages 2-5 and have not had them in to be screened, please plan on coming to Mark Twain Elementary tomorrow between 8:30am and 3:30pm. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Tomorrow is day #1 of Round Up at Mark Twain Elementary. If you have a child ages 2-5, please plan on attending with your child. Round Up is open at the following times: Feb 22nd - 8:30am-3:30pm Feb 23rd - 12:00pm-7:00pm Feb 24th - 8:30am-3:30pm
In honor of Black History Month, students at Mark Twain are learning about Alma Woodsey Thomas and creating paintings inspired by her work. #art #blackhistorymonth #twaincusd1 #westicktogether #thisiskindergarten
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
Do you have a child ages 2-5? Please bring them to our Round Up next week (Feb 22-24) at Mark Twain Elementary. ALL children ages 2-5 should attend as you will find out how your child is developing and receive information regarding preschool and/or kindergarten.
We are excited the snow storm has passed and students are back in person today. Thank you parents for all your help during our 3 eLearning days. These Mark Twain students took Miss Shamhart up on her library challenge to read under a table with hats/gloves on! #marktwain #twaincusd1 #westicktogether #elearning #readersareleaders
Mark Twain's librarian, Miss Shamhart challenged all students to read a book while wearing a hat and gloves or to read under a table. Here is a picture of Miss Shamhart completing the challenge by reading "If You Give a Pig a Pancake" with her dog Cooper. Look at the matching hats she made for them both! Please post a picture of your child completing Miss Shamhart’s challenge. #marktwain #westicktogether #twaincusd1 #elearning #readersareleaders