Have you gotten a chance to complete the 5 Essentials Parent survey at https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ ? We value your input. Feedback from this survey helps us with school improvement planning at Mark Twain and helps us ensure we are the best school we can be for your child! #marktwain #westicktogether
almost 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
We are thankful for all of our Mark Twain students, staff, and families. We have had a fun week doing Thanksgiving themed activities and even got to celebrate with the worlds largest (or at least it seemed like it to us) Thanksgiving dinner. #marktwain #westicktogether
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
turkey activity
Thanksgiving feast
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Today was purple day at Mark Twain. Don't forget to wear pink tomorrow. #colorweek #marktwain #westicktogether
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Today at Mark Twain we celebrated our special veteran, Mr. Lang. Thank you Mr. Lang and all Veterans for your service and sacrifice. Tomorrow is green day, so don't forget to wear your green! #marktwain #colorweek #veterans day #westicktogether
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Mr. Lang
Thank you
Yellow day at Mark Twain turned in to twin day for one of our students and Mrs. Haughee! Tomorrow is blue day. We encourage everyone to wear red, white, and BLUE in honor of Veterans day and blue day!
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
yellow day
R-E-D Red, R-E-D Red, I can spell red! Today is red day at Mark Twain. Tomorrow is ORANGE day so be sure to have your child wear orange. For the next 2 weeks at Mark Twain, we will be focusing on learning how to read & spell our color words. Join in on the fun with us as we learn one new color each day. #marktwain #westicktogether #colorweek
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Red Day
At Mark Twain, we have scheduled our Leader in Me t-shirt days for the rest of the year. We look forward to seeing all of our staff and students wearing their Leader in Me shirts these days! #marktwain #westicktogether #leaderinme
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Leader in me tshirt dates
The full length video from Mark Twain's October parade can be found here: https://youtu.be/8azDC3gSO5o Enjoy! #marktwain #westicktogether #leaderinme #octobercelebration
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Our October Celebration and 1st Annual Mark Twain Parade was a success. https://youtu.be/aXmhbWgH80s (Full length video will also be available soon!) #marktwain #westicktogether #youvegotafriendinme
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
At Mark Twain, our students keep track of their learning targets and know what skills they are working on. Each morning this student has been checking which letter sounds he still needs. I am proud to announce that he has since achieved his goal! #westicktogether #marktwain
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
We have a new November Leader in Me Newsletter focusing on our Habit of the Month: Begin with the End in Mind https://5il.co/11a5z #marktwain #westicktogether #leaderinme
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Information regarding the parade at Mark Twain today at 1:15 The weather looks like it is going to cooperate so we should be able to have the parade outside!! *Parking is limited at Mark Twain. We will have additional parking on the blacktop – which can be accessed from the front drive. Other parking is available between the ball fields (please access this path from Smith Drive) or at the football field. *Visitors will stand behind the caution tape to watch the parade. *IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON TAKING YOUR STUDENT HOME FROM THE PARADE: Once the parade is over, find the cone for your student’s teacher (cones will be on the east side of the back circle drive). The teacher will come to the cone and have you sign out your child. After signing them out, your child is free to leave. *Because regular dismissal will start at 2:10, we ask that all visitors leave immediately after the parade or immediately after signing your student out.
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
parade details
Don't forget tomorrow is Mark Twain Domino's pizza fundraising night. Order Domino's tomorrow between 4 & 8 and help support Mark Twain!
about 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Thank you Charleston Fire Department for helping us with our Fire and Evacuation drill today and teaching us all about fire safety. #marktwain #firesafety #cfd #westicktogether
over 3 years ago, Denise Titus
fire safety
Mark Twain students had their first monthly celebration today! Each month we will celebrate by learning from leaders in our community. Thank you Charleston Firefighters and paramedics for spending your morning with us! #marktwain #westicktogether #leaderinme #community
over 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Mark Twain students had their first monthly celebration today! Each month we will celebrate by learning from leaders in our community. Thank you Charleston Firefighters and paramedics for spending your morning with us! #marktwain #westicktogether #leaderinme #community
over 3 years ago, Denise Titus
Want to keep up on who the Mark Twain Star Student of the Week is or see which staff members earned the Cactus Award for the month? You can find both in the spotlight section of our website. Simply go to the Mark Twain website (https://www.charleston.k12.il.us/o/mtes) and scroll all the way to the bottom. :) #leaderinme #marktwain #westicktogether
over 3 years ago, Denise Titus
leader of the week