The goal of the CUSD#1 staff development program is to update and improve the skills and knowledge of staff members in order to achieve and maintain a high level of job performance and satisfaction.
PD Clock Hours Presenter Guidelines
For professional development clock hours to be approved by our district, district employees who present or provide a PD activity need to follow the guidelines listed in the link.
PD Clock Hours Approval Guidelines
Charleston CUSD #1 is a state-approved professional development provider. To request approval of activities provided by the district, complete the two steps listed in the guidelines link within 30 days of the end of the activity.
All employees are to annually check the list of required trainings for their respective category of employee to ensure compliance (Board Policy 5:100, 5:90).
GCN is an internet-based compliance tutorial and training program for district employees. If you need assistance with your account, contact Human Resources at (217) 639-1017.
Regional Office of Education #11
Serving Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Moultrie, & Shelby Counties, the Regional Office of Education #11 is committed to providing educators and support staff with high-quality professional development and is your starting point for all licensure matters, working in conjunction with the Illinois State Board of Education to answer questions regarding the licensure process.
National Board Certified Teacher
National Board Certification was designed to develop, retain, and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide.
Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS)
Log professional development hours in ELIS.