A Graduate Profile will define academic, personal, and interpersonal skills that students should have when they graduate. The Charleston School District has been seeking input from multiple stakeholder groups, as part of developing this Graduate Profile. The finished profile should reflect the perspectives of the entire Charleston community. We obtained input from district teachers and administrators, EIU, Lake Land College, parents, and the business community. Today, the Competency Based Education District Leadership Team worked together to review all of the input and identify patterns to develop a draft profile. The leadership team consists of members from each of those stakeholder groups, as well. This profile, when complete, will provide us with a clear set of priority goals for teaching and learning that can be easily communicated with students, parents, faculty and staff, in order to align our efforts. Thank you to the many people who provided us with input and for the team members for their hard work today. It's an exciting project! We look forward to sharing our final product with you soon.