Tax Refunds

The IRS is reaching out to America’s school districts to help spread the word on 2021 child related tax credits helping families. 

Many families got up to half of their estimated 2021 Child Tax Credit as advance payments last year. Here are three steps to getting the rest of your credit:

  1. Step 1: Review Letter 6419
    • You should have received this letter in January 2022 if you received advance Child Tax Credit payments in 2021.
    • It shows the amount of advance payments you received and the number of qualifying children the payments were based on.
    • You or your tax preparer will use this information to figure your remaining credit accurately.
    • If you misplaced your letter, you can look up your information using the IRS’s CTC Update Portal or Online Account.
  2. Step 2: Claim the Rest of Your 2021 Child Tax Credit
    • File your 2021 federal tax return and claim the Child Tax Credit, if you’re eligible.
    • Choose direct deposit if you’re getting a refund. Make sure your bank account information is correct.
  3. Step 3: Get Paid!
    • After you file your return, you can check on the status of your refund using the Where’s My Refund? tool on or the mobile app IRS2Go.
    • You can check within 24 hours of e-filing or within four weeks of mailing a return. Updates to the online tool are made daily, usually overnight.
    • To use this tool, you need your Social Security number, filing status and the exact whole dollar amount of your refund.