Trojan Basketball Camp is happening next week on Monday, June 19 - Wednesday June 22! Another session in July is also available.
Please turn in the registration form and payment at the CHS office.
More exciting updates on their way at Charleston High School! The 400 wing and the media center are both being completely renovated this summer!
CHS has a new job opening for an anticipated social studies teacher! Apply today at:
Reminding everyone to check out our Summer Camp Guide for a complete list of all Charleston CUSD1 camps & activities happening this summer!
CMS Boy's Basketball Info
Free breakfasts will be available to ALL students in our district at Jefferson & the Middle School during our summer school sessions which begin Monday, June 5th and end Thursday, June 29th. It will be served weekdays at both locations from 8:00-8:30am during these dates.
We officially made it through the 2023 school year! Wishing all of our CUSD1 students, teachers, & families a wonderful summer break!
COMING SOON to Charleston CUSD#1: a new track!! Renovations began today and they're moving right along. The old track is already gone and the new one is scheduled to be finished before school starts! 😍 #CharlestonCUSD1 #TrojanUp
We currently have EIGHT open para positions that we are looking to fill for next school year! We will be hosting an open interview session this Thursday afternoon from 2:30-5:00pm @ Charleston High School. Follow the link to complete an application:
Today's episode of "School Talk" on WEIU!
Happy National Speech Language Pathologist Day! I think we can safely *speak* for any student or family that has ever worked with any of these wonderful ladies when we say how thankful we are for their services!
May 31st is the last day to register for our summer baseball camp! Complete and turn in the following form along with your payment to register:
Don't forget WEIU's School Talk, hosted by Jefferson's 6th grader Brayden Armstrong, premiers today at 4:30 pm!
Congratulations to the 2023 CHS Graduates!
8th grade students in Mr. Dow's class planted trees at Mark Twain this afternoon! #cmscusd1
This is a reminder that tomorrow will be a half day student attendance due to CHS Graduation! Breakfast will be served at school, but lunches will not be.
Students in Mrs. Brown's 2nd grade class planted trees today at Carl Sandburg! #csescusd1
#CharlestonCUSD1 #ThankATeacher #TeacherAppreciationWeek
It's teacher appreciation week! Want to recognize a teacher in our district for their outstanding efforts? You can use the following link to do that!
#ThankATeacher #CharlestonCUSD1
Be sure to check out our Summer Camp Guide for a complete list of all Charleston CUSD1 camps & activities happening this summer!