Please expect bus delays in these first few days back to in-person instruction. It's typical to see delayed buses during the first week of school. Thank you for patience as we work to get all district students home safely.
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
November 3 Re-opening Update
almost 4 years ago, Todd J. Vilardo
Hello Carl Sandburg Families, I wanted to send a reminder of the different entrance and exit points for each grade level! We can't wait to see you tomorrow!
almost 4 years ago, Williams, Eddie
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Bus Drop Off
ReOpening Update from Dr. Vilardo:
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
All classes in Empower have been restored.
almost 4 years ago, Educational Technology Department
We are investigating an issue with students not being able to see their classes in Empower. We will update you as soon as we know more. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Pantle, Holly
If you are planning for your child to ride a bus to/from school this year, please be sure you have done the following things in Skyward Family Access: 1. Completed the 2021 Bus Form in the Online Registration tab 2. Verified that your child has information in the Busing tab (Bus #'s, pickup/drop-off times/ locations) We want to ensure that this information is accurate before the return to in-person instruction next week. Please contact your child's school if you have any questions or concerns.
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
Families of students in Grades K-6 who selected the Remote Learning Option for Quarter 2: We will host a brief Remote Learning Orientation on Thursday, November 5th from 6:30-7:00pm via Zoom. Families will learn about expectations and guidelines for remote learning in Grades K-6 as well as have an opportunity to ask questions. Technology tips and resources will be shared with you at this event as well. We will share a link for the Zoom meeting on Wednesday 11/4. Please mark your calendars.
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
Important Health Reminder: If your child is sick with symptoms such as fever, headache, upset stomach, sore throat, etc, they need to stay home along with any other siblings in the district. If they report or exhibit any of these symptoms while at school, the student (along with any other siblings in the district) will need to be picked up from school immediately. IDPH guidelines state that all household members (i.e. siblings and parents) are all required to quarantine for 10 days unless there is an alternative diagnosis. Students may continue with remote learning, but will not be allowed back into their buildings for in-person instruction until a negative covid test is received, an alternative diagnosis is provided, or ten days have passed without any additional symptoms. Please contact your school nurse with any questions.
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
Cub Scouts Virtual Fall Recruitment Night is TONIGHT (Monday, October 26, 2020) @ 6:30pm and is open to all boys and girls in grades K-5. For more information, please see the attached flier:
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
Cub Scouts
It's two weeks away! The schools are in final stages of getting ready for students to return.
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
Return to School Reminder
CMS students hard at it today. Great job, students!!!!
almost 4 years ago, Mayhall, Blain
Re-Opening of School Progress Update for Week 4:
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
update week 4
Want to know what to expect when riding the bus? Check out Illinois Central's re-opening plan.
almost 4 years ago, Denise Titus
Bus re-opening plan
October 14th-16th We will not be conducting live Teams meetings over the next three days. Students are encouraged to utilize those days to complete missing assignments. Students are encouraged to reach out to their teachers with any questions. Seniors will be taking the SAT tomorrow. District parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for this Thursday and Friday. CHS does not schedule parent-teacher conferences on these days specifically, but rather throughout the year on an as-needed basis.
almost 4 years ago, Lock, Aaron
Re-Opening of School Progress Update for Week 3:
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
update week 3
Re-Opening Update The district’s Re-Opening Planning Team met on Wednesday, October 7 to review current practices, preview planned practices and re-opening plans, and consider other ideas and logistics for safely re-opening schools for in-person instruction. Highlights from the team’s discussion include: 1. The incremental increase of on-site learning opportunities for students has been successful. We plan to continue these efforts between now and November 4. 2. The group discussed the idea of a “soft opening” following a hybrid or half-time schedule during the week of October 26th. Advantages, disadvantages and related logistics were shared by members of the team. As a result, district officials have determined that such soft opening options will no longer be explored. 3. The district still currently plans to re-open for all students on November 4th with a remote learning option available. All students who intend to return to in-person instruction will return on November 4th following a daily early dismissal schedule. This plan is pending any order from the Governor’s Office, Illinois State Board of Education or health department guidance. 4. Families should realize that returning to in-person instruction may still require periods of remote learning. Remote learning may be required when/if a mandatory quarantine is issued for individual students, groups of students, classes, school, or district, or if adequate supervision is not available for students due to staff quarantine/illness. We urge families to continue to keep childcare options available for these circumstances.
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
Substitute Recruiting
Charleston Principals are Number One!
almost 4 years ago, CUSD1
Re-Opening of School Progress Update for Week 2:
almost 4 years ago, Holly, Kristen
update week 2